Friday, October 22, 2010

Red Sonja Custom Action Figure Art

I saw Red Sonja for the first time at a the Barber Shop. It was an "old school" kind of place and the owner was a tall burly "Chicago-guy" with a mustache. Sports, boxing, and dirty jokes were the only topics of conversation and it always smelled of a combination of aftershave and machine grease. There was a poster on the wall from the 1950s showing the twelve different haircut options you could choose from; all buzz cuts. Below the sign was a hand-made wood magazine rack full of Playboys and old comic books. As a twelve-year-old boy this was my glimpse into the domain of men.

One summer day, my mother sent me to get a haircut. As I rode my bike to the shop, I was looking forward to re-reading one of the ten old Conan comic books on the rack. But when I arrived, I noticed there were some "new" old comic books on the rack, including this one...
It was Red Sonja #1 and I soon discovered that she was a female Conan; tough as nails, and as ferocious a fighter as she was beautiful. I poured over the first issue hoping I'd at least have time to read a second. But before I could reach for the next one, it was my turn in the barber's chair.

I got more haircuts that summer than any other.

This is my tribute to Red Sonja, her creators Roy Thomas, and Barry Windsor-Smith, and to Robert E. Howard (Whose character Red Sonya inspired them), and to that Barber Shop; one of the last remaining domains of men.
She is a combination of Star Wars, G.I. JOE, Narnia, and Marvel parts with sculpted details that include her whisp of hair and her trademark armored bikini.


The face sculpt was perfect, but the original deco made her look like she was falling asleep so I repainted the face and "opened" her eyes with some longer, darker lashes and her signature green eyes. I also gave her the metal shoulder pads.




"Who are you, little man?"
"Your wurst nightmaeh!"
(Note: Their heights in this photo look a little off. In actuality, Conan and Sonja are almost identical in size.)
I hope you dig her. If you do, leave a comment before she takes off on another Hyborian adventure. And if you like all things Hyborian, check out CROM! The Ultimate Conan Fan Blog. Until next time, I remain "The Insidious One."


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